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  CIMG5821.JPG - ok, what's your bottom dollar?  be sure to listen as you play the videos - this kind of market bargaining experience has to be heard to be believed.   And you HAVE to play the game to get a decent price.  What starts out at 900 rmb ends up at 130 rmb, or even 100, if you play by the rules.  

148 | ok, what's your bottom dollar? be sure to listen as you play the videos - this kind of market bargaining experience has to be heard to be believed. And you HAVE to play the game to get a decent price. What starts out at 900 rmb ends up at 130 rmb, or even 100, if you play by the rules. | CIMG5821 | 9/8/08 3:03 AM Download
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Camera: CASIO COMPUTER CO.,LTD. EX-F1 | Date: 9/8/08 3:03 AM | Resolution: 2816 x 2112 | ISO: 400 | Exp. Time: 1/30s | Aperture: 2.7 | Focal Length: 7.3mm
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Total images: 267 | Lindsey Carmichael, Archer | Lindsey's Blog