20th Junior Olympic National Target Championships

Carver Massachusetts - July

Female Intermediate Recurve
Rank Last Name First Name 60m 50m 40m 30m TOTAL FITA Placement Olympic Round
1 Barton Taylor 273 321 289 320 1203 1 1
2 Scheidler Leah 270 289 272 315 1146 3 2
3 Carmichael Lindsey 263 300 256 297 1116 4 3
4 Vanderstappen Lynde 281 284 283 305 1153 2 6
5 Repaske Betsy 243 252 276 301 1072 5 5
6 Hart Betsy 245 274 205 280 1004 7 4
7 Hicks Colleen 216 262 256 291 1025 6 8
8 Owen Laura 225 237 251 268 981 8 7
9 Palumbo Pamela 92 147 164 252 655 9 9

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